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22 Oct 2024
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Western Grain Marketing, What are Whole Grains?

Western Grain Marketing – Grains are the edible seeds of plants. A grain remains a “whole grain” if it comprises the three critical parts of a source: the bran, germ, and endosperm. Entire ounces fall into one of two groups, cereals and pseudocereals. Cereal grains originate from cereal grasses such as wheat, oats, rice, corn, barley, sorghum, rye, and millet. Pseudocereal grains remain cooked and consumed similarly, but they do not come from grasses—grains in this category contain quinoa, buckwheat, and amaranth.

As a result, all grains start as whole grains. However, they don’t all end up on the shelf as such. Critical parts of the seeds are stripped away during milling, a manufacturing process that increases the shelf life of products such as flour. Unfortunately, most of the essential nutrients remain lost in this process. Consuming whole grains is the only way to be 100% sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck nutritionally.

What Is Grain Marketing?

Grain marketing is an antique trade dating back to 9000 BCE. It began when farmers switched from raising a little bit of every grain to creating a lot of one type. So what is grain marketing in today’s biosphere? It is now a fast-paced product market and a possibly lucrative career.

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Soybean oil is an exclusive grain product because it is also essential to the biodiesel industry.

Grain marketing and trading occur extensively through futures contracts. These legal documents set a quantity of grain and price per bushel for delivery at a future date. Hedge traders use these agreements to mitigate their danger in the market.

However, speculators have little attention to the actual commodity and accept risk, hoping to make significant financial gains. They purchase and sell futures agreements without wanting the bodily grain at play.

Grain markets follow source and demand closely, with a somewhat predictable cycle for each type of grain. In addition, the weather significantly impacts these marketplaces and adds a layer of randomness characteristic in all trading.

What Is Grain Marketing Basis?

Local purchasers, such as grain elevators or feed yards, set the current cash price for grain in that area’s market. But futures prices tend to be dissimilar from cash prices. The difference between the two quantities is the basis. The prospect’s price minus the current cash price gives the ground, which can be undesirable or favorable.

For example, let’s say a wheat manufacturer is partway concluded the growing season and recognizes that the weather has been mild, calm, and favorable. However, she might worry that a surplus will lead to a price drop when it comes time to sell her crop.

If her current spot price is $3.50 per bushel, but the futures price is $3.75, she may want to hedge her risk by buying a futures agreement. She would lock in the higher price and protect her revenue if prices drop by production and delivery time.

Who Are the Players in Grain Marketing?

Grain merchandises are some of the most important on the market. They directly feed people and livestock around the globe. As a critical piece of the economy, grain markets involve many people.


Clearly, without grain manufacturers, there is no grain market. So farmers use knowledge, experience, and technology to produce as much as possible.


Western Grain Marketing – Food yards, mills, and ethanol manufacturing plants are typical grain buyers. Once the farmers produce their crops, they generally store the grain in a grain silo or on the farm until it’s time to sell.

Storage and Transportation

Grain silos typically sit close to railways or highways to make transportation simpler. They may also be in ports for delivery. In addition, farmers move their gathered crops to the elevators.

Operatives weigh and test the grain before storing it. They also check for debris, such as stalks, and examine the grain’s moisture levels. They want to avoid consuming the grain that ages prematurely or molds and debasement the rest of the crop in storage.

When a farmer brands a sale or an agreement comes due, trucks, trains, or ships move the grain to its destination.


Western Grain Marketing – Traders rely on admission to real-time, accurate data to stay competitive in the grain market. They also must remain alert to climate trends and events. In short, many moving pieces request their attention.

Buyers in grain marketing also need to make choices quickly to hedge their locations and make a profit. To do this, they have a lot of data at their fingertips.

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