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22 Oct 2024
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Zercher Deadlift – Benefits, Training, and More

Zercher Deadlift

Zercher Deadlift

A Zercher deadlift squats are less dangerous and help develop glutes and hamstrings. Zercher squats are exceptional for creating a good back and gaining lower body strength. Without a doubt, we should incorporate it into our routines.

Benefits of Zercher Deadlift

First of all, note that the name comes from its author Ed Zercher, a weightlifter from the 30s who entered a gym without a rack but insisted on doing squats, so he invented the Zercher squat. The benefits of Zercher squats compared to traditional squats are mainly two:

Less spinal compression – Unlike traditional squats, Zercher’s produces minimal compaction on the spine when we squat. This is so due to the position of the bar. It is much easier to maintain a vertical posture when performing the movement, allowing greater depth when lowering and squatting.

Glutes and hamstrings: In addition to helping us improve our lower body strength, they are a good exercise for glutes and hamstrings since they activate these muscles more effectively than traditional or front squats.

Protects wrists, elbows and shoulders: thanks to this variation, people with medial epicondylitis (golfer’s elbow) or wrist sprain can continue training their legs.

Easy to learn – Its technique is easy to understand compared to the traditional front squat, which requires more practice and good mobility to hold the bar. With Zercher squats, you don’t even need to think. We grab the bar and go down.

How to Perform Zercher Deadlift?

How to Perform Zercher Deadlift?

To perform this type of squat correctly, we must follow the following protocol:

  • We put the bar on the rack
  • If We extend the forearms in front of our body by bending the elbows and placing the bar on top of the upper forearms.
  • We move away from the rack and place our legs with an opening equal to the width of our shoulders.
  • We begin to lower the bar by bending our knees, maintaining a straight posture, and raising our heads.
  • If We continue down until we form an angle slightly less than 90º
  • We return to the starting location and repeat the sequence.
  • We can use this variety as the main one in our squat routines if we have an injury to our shoulders, elbows or back, or include it as a variety in our training.
  • Other Facts about Zercher Deadlift

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This variant of squats is very positive for professional fighters since the positioning of the bar generates a muscular activation similar to that when he lifts his opponent, reducing the axial load and lowering the centre of mass—at the same time, increasing the demand for the posterior chain, the core in general and the contraction of the hip extensors. It is also the squat that has the most transfer at takeoff.

To say something negative about this variant, it should be noted that it can cause discomfort when resting the bar on the elbow joint, but this can be solved if we use some padding (towel or pad), thus avoiding a possible injury to the biceps tendon.

One possibility for the bravest when we have mastered the technique would be to try to do a series of deadlifts + Zercher squats with a pause on each repetition. I hope you like it and introduce it into your routines.

Execution of the Zercher Deadlift

  • Initial position
  • Place a bar on the platform at waist level
  • Approach her and cross your arms to grab the bar before you, elbows shoulder-width apart.
  • Bend forward, grab the bar between your arms, lift it off the platform, and stand up.
  • The bar should rest on your bent elbows.
  • Keep your back arched and firm, your head in a neutral position, and your knees slightly bent, with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Movement Zercher Deadlift

Keeping your chest up, slowly bend your knees, letting your buttocks roll back as you lower.

When your thighs resemble the floor, pause for a moment and explosively drive back up to the starting point, squeezing through your heels.

Repeat as many times as necessary.

Who is this Exercise for?

Its is Zercher Atlas Squat is designed for any athlete who wants to gain more skills in their life in general and reduce strain on the lower back and wrists, but for strength athletes, improve their skills in other movements. and muscle growth.

The Zercher Deadlift in your Training

The Zercher Deadlift in your Training

The Zercher squat is a great workout to do early in your training.

Start using a very lightweight (about 40% of your maximum 1RM deadlift) and gradually increase it as your strength increases.

Here is a good leg routine to pound your quads by introducing the Zercher squat.

Zercher Squat: 3 sets of 3 to 6 reps

Regular squat: 3 sets of 6 to 10 repetitions

Press: 3 groups of 6 to 10 reps

Deadlift: 3 sets of 6-10 reps.

Advanced Tips

To get the greatest out of the workout, place a 20-pound weight plate on each side of the bar and perform the Zercher squat as described above.

When you master the movement better, add weight.

Place a towel around the bar when you do this version of the squat because it can irritate the skin when in contact with the iron, and we will avoid a possible injury to the biceps tendon.

In the following video, the refined technique when placing the bar on the arms is fascinating:

This variant of squats is very positive for people who are professional fighters since the positioning of the bar generates a muscular activation similar to that which occurs when he lifts his opponent.


An exercise that has a vast catalogue of variations is the squat. We will discuss the Zercher position Atlas squat in the traditional stout category.

This squat is performed with a load, helping to build strength in the upper spine and the inferior body, such as the hips and quads. It is a movement widely used by strength athletes.

This movement was originally in the 1930s by weightlifter Ed Zercher. This athlete was famous for overcoming challenges in lifting, with loads that tripled his weight.

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