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22 Oct 2024
Entrepreneurs Lifestyle

Entrepreneurship Strategy – Benefits, Effective, Activities, and More

Entrepreneurship Strategy

I will start by defining entrepreneurship strategy preparation as that set of courses to emerge a shared vision, build its aims, and formulate an entrepreneurial strategy. As well as implement and execute said strategy, and then, as the activities advance, make alterations that lead to the enterprise’s sustainability.

The Benefits of its Application are Entrepreneurship Strategy

  • Donates to the identification of long-term problems and threats
  • Chains resource allocation
  • advance alignment
  • Agrees to monitor and control activities
  • Chains the identification of new opportunities
  • Advances understanding of competitor strategies
  • Sense and try to minimize unwanted situations
  • Encourages proactive attitudes of employees and their attitude towards change.

However, some ventures do not do strategic plans. Some reasons are inadequate compensation structures, they are satisfied with current successful situations, they spend a lot of time managing crises, or they are afraid of the unknown.

What is Entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship can be defined as the action of adapting a viable idea into a corporate model that has a market opportunity, is profitable, and benefits society. This brings policy, innovation, incorporation into the digital world, motivation, and many risks. Entrepreneurship is based on the audacity and skill of the entrepreneur and future entrepreneur.

What is a Strategy?

The business strategy is no more than a series of planned travels, in line with the income and current situation, to accomplish the proposed objectives. They are those mechanisms that we seek to move from a current situation to a forthcoming one successfully.

How to Formulate the Entrepreneurship Strategy?

How to Formulate the Entrepreneurship Strategy

An analysis of the environment where the corporation is located must being ended to determine how it will compete in that market.

After analyzing the political, social, technological, ecological, and legal setting, the behavior of competitors, the risks in that sector, the internal environment, and the organization’s strengths and weaknesses, you can create a series of goals and objectives to follow.

Some questions you should ask self to create a good business strategy are:

  • What is the core business of the company?
  • Who is the primary customer that will buy my product?
  • Where are they from, and the age of my clients?
  • What are the buying habits of my customers?
  • What products should I include or exclude from my sale list?
  • What is the location where I will sell my product?
  • Opportunities and risks in the development of my business?
  • How and how much will my company grow?
  • What skills and abilities do I need within my company?

After you formulate the business strategy, you need to implement it and carry out all the decisions you plan to make. Finally, you must monitor the progress that the system is having.

The Most Effective Activities for Entrepreneurship Strategy

We find inspirational activities are mainly effective in increasing the attraction to entrepreneurship for women (the impact on men is minimal). Also that its degree of efficiency differs according to the academic year. The most effective activity for women is preparing a business plan contest, an example of experiential training. In general, we found that the positive influence of empirical learning activities is more significant for women than men.

Female Entrepreneurship Strategy Spirit

Entrepreneurship education can help increase female entrepreneurship. Not surprisingly, the abovementioned stereotypes weigh on women’s attitudes towards free enterprise. Even with the same education and context, women often feel less confident and prepared to undertake than men.

Some women feel that certain insecurity and lack of preparation have to do with the perception of their competencies more than with their actual capacities. But the perception, although it does not agree with reality, directly impacts reality: feeling less prepared or more insecure causes them to have less interest in entrepreneurship than men, and therefore they do it less.

Different Impacts Depending on the Academic Year

When we examine each course, we find that in the early educational stages, the attraction to women’s entrepreneurship increases when they participate in academic activities with influential people who transmit their points of view and testimonies.

However, participation in experiential academic activities (preparation of a business plan competition and involvement in associations) is also crucial in later stages. Meeting future entrepreneurs is also very powerful in senior years: they help students imagine themselves as entrepreneurs as they approach graduation.

How to Promote Female Entrepreneurship Strategy?

How to Promote Female Entrepreneurship Strategy?

To effectively support female entrepreneurship and overcome stereotypes, it is essential to consider gender differences in the impact of inspirational activities and consider educational level. And also, Academic institutions wishing to encourage female entrepreneurship should combine long-term activities, such as business plan competitions, with the promotion of close contact with “reference persons” by organizing events in the institution that favor the creation of networks. In addition, they should focus on developing the skills and feelings of women, who play a significant role.

Academic Activities and Entrepreneurship Strategy

To better understand how entrepreneurship education can contribute to reducing this gap, our study analyzes when and for whom participation in different academic activities increases the attraction to entrepreneurship.

To do this, we use a sample of 918 students from a French business school and study the gender differences in the impact that nine “inspiring” academic activities have on the attraction to entrepreneurship. And also, We also look at differences by academic year.

Specifically, students were asked if they remembered any event or activity at school. And also, That dramatically changed their “heart and mind” and encouraged them to consider becoming entrepreneurs.

Professional of Entrepreneurship Strategy

Business strategies are the formulation and implementation of the objectives and plans. And also, If adopted for the company’s growth based on the available resources and the internal and external environment.

This gives the company some guidelines and defines its short, medium, and long-term objectives. And also, If so that a focused and defined plan. And also, It can be developed to achieve them, according to the resources available.


our management and consulting practice has shown that many ventures fail in their first years. And also, According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Spain (GEM), in addition to financing and bureaucracy. It lack of education constitutes the main obstacle for entrepreneurs to develop their businesses. In this article, we will share management tools whose organized and organic. And also, It use can lead the entrepreneurial strategy towards levels that favor its sustainability.

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